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    Goodbye July, Hello Augustus

    Another month has gone by, and as I haven’t posted in the meantime let me catch you up. Well last month didn’t start out that well. Not only was the weather mostly spring like after a really good last week of June. I also caught a cold from my dad. In the beginning this cold was quit severe and as corona is not yet over the anxiety took over a bit. Never had a fever, so it probably was just a cold. However I made sure I didn’t go out unnecessary and I also ordered some groceries to be delivered. One of the groceries were a fresh fruit & vegetable…

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    Birthday in Covid19 lockdown

    On March 29th I celebrated my 40th birthday. It was a birthday that before the Covid 19 pandemic was already weighing on me in terms of what have I achieved already and what I have to show for it. However the celebrations wouldn’t be any different than any other birthday. For about 10 years now it is tradition that I will go and watch a musical by myself. Sometimes I make a weekend out of in and sometimes it is just for one day and the other I will eat birthday cake with my family. This year it would have been a 4 day weekend at the beach town of…

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