Last of the books read in 2022
Today is International Holocaust Memorial day, so a World War II fiction review would have been more appropriate. However, for 2023 I didn’t start any historical fiction from this period yet. Also this week in The Netherlands it are National Read Aloud Days (January 25 – February 4th). I don’t have much practice in this one, and mostly I read too fast and I certainly can’t do any voices. But the one that I loved to read was “If the S in Moose Comes Loose” by Peter Hermann. It was a fun way to familiarize my sister’s kids with the English language. And when I didn’t have the book at…
Last WWII reads of 2022: book recommendations
Don’t let the title picture fool you into thinking that this is a travel blog about Paris. However, 2 out of today’s book recommendations are set (partly) in Paris, and 1 of them is about visitors and habitants of the Ritz hotel in Paris during WWI, WWII and in the 1960s. Let the Ritz hotel be at the Place Vendome, which is depicted here. Don’t let the title picture fool you into thinking that this is a travel blog about Paris. However, 2 out of today’s book recommendations are set (partly) in Paris, and 1 of them is about visitors and habitants of the Ritz hotel in Paris during WWI,…
2023 Goals
If you saw my Instagram post (@kate_shabitat) you may have seen that my New Year didn’t quite start as I wanted it to. Due to some kind of allergy, my eyes were swollen and I had a rash. Because of the swollen eyes, I had to rest my eyes and keep my screen time limited. As my word of the year is “Health” this was quite inconvenient, but on the other hand, it did emphasize the importance of it again. Not only physical health but also mental, financial, and on another level also see that my household stays in shape. However, I will need to make sure I don’t live…