2023 Goals
If you saw my Instagram post (@kate_shabitat) you may have seen that my New Year didn’t quite start as I wanted it to. Due to some kind of allergy, my eyes were swollen and I had a rash. Because of the swollen eyes, I had to rest my eyes and keep my screen time limited. As my word of the year is “Health” this was quite inconvenient, but on the other hand, it did emphasize the importance of it again. Not only physical health but also mental, financial, and on another level also see that my household stays in shape. However, I will need to make sure I don’t live…
Happy New Year!
January is almost over, but as this is my first blog this year, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope you had a good start to the year. I need to work on a couple of my resolutions and goals, but trying my best every day. One of these goals is of course this blog. Thanks to the topic calendar from OM Collective (www.omcollective.com) I had a blog post planned for each of the previous weeks of January. It seems, however, that I wasn’t that invested in the actual topics I selected. For the first week of January, I wanted to share some mocktail recipes…
Deliciou review
Sinterklaas, or Saint Nicholas, returned to Spain after bringing some chocolate and spiced shortcrust biscuit and toys for the kids. However, I usually buy most things during the year that there is nothing left to put on the list for Sinterklaas or Santa later in the month. One of those impromptu buys was done around the same time I made my first Waterdrop purchase. After seeing it on my Instagram, I purchased Deliciou spices (https://eu.deliciou.com/). I went all out and purchased almost all of their flavors, not knowing how they would taste. They have all kinds of bacon flavors, which I find great, in a vegetable egg scramble or combined with…
No soda challenge with Waterdrop
No this is no fancy cocktail and actually, it is ordinary water, just with some flavor. At the beginning of July, I started seeing these advertisements for waterdrop® (https://en.waterdrop.com/pages/what-is-waterdrop) everywhere on my social media. I was slacking a bit in the water drinking department and barely got 1 liter in at that time and was upping the rest of my fluid intake with about the same amount of Cola Zero. So the advertising did its job and I purchased a big 1l steel bottle, a 600ml steel bottle, and the starter set with 6 “cold” flavors. Even before they arrived I placed a second order with another 500ml steel bottle…
Before the pen in my Happy Planner
Continuing were I left of in my last post, my package from http://www.hobbywerken.nl came only on Thursday. It is easy to get addicted to these stickers and pages, and every excuse to buy more is good. I really need to work on my eating and fitness habits, so I placed a new order with the same shop the next day. This included the fitness kit and digital detox stickers. That Friday I worked from home, as they would let us know if we could stay or were let go from our jobs, I wanted to first process this news on my own. For those curious to know, I still have…
A day at the beach
While in my last post I was eagerly awaiting the day I could put my toes in the sand, this day came earlier than expected. In Belgium every local government of a beachtown has its own rules on how they battle COVID-19: https://www.belgiancoast.co.uk/en/inspiration/measures-did-your-favourite-seaside-town-put-place. However the Dutch coast is in travel time for me a bit closer. Also their numbers for corona illnesses and deaths are better than ours (not sure if we overestimated and they did less testing). But while information panels on the side of the road still advise to not make unnecessary trips, their non-essential shops never closed. This made me think that a visit there would be…
Walking Goals
At the beginning of this year I set different exercise goals on my list to accomplish in 2020. One of them was to walk 1010 miles. You maybe ask: “How did you arrive at that number?”. Well 2020 miles sounded a bit to overwhelming and not really feasible. Hence I just divided in 2 and that comes down to about 3 miles a day. So something that should be doable. I only occasionally reach 10 000 steps a day, but on a regular work day with going to/from the car park both when leaving home and going to work I average about 6500 steps. With the occasional hike in the…
What I ate this week
I didn’t have a very active social life before this pandemic, however I thought I was doing some interesting things that I could make into a fun blogpost. It seems harder than it looks. I will try to do better the next weeks. The stress of this pandemic and the question: “Do I still have a job after this?” is weighing heavy on my mind and also literary on my body. I was all ready to start exercising again on May 11th when 2 days earlier I woke up with excruciating knee pain. This is still lingering even when doing a gentle walk for about 3 miles/5 kilometers. I stopped…
At home manicure
Well I’m a bit late to posting this week. I wasn’t really sure what my post would be about. There were plans to start clean eating and exercising and I also wanted to read more. The last one was accomplished although it were mostly Harlequin/Mills & Boon romance novels. They are very good for escapism but not really interesting for a blog post. So I went back to my original idea for a blog post, namely home manicures and especially Gel lack nail polish. When I want gel nails I normally go to my cousin. But as she lives 40 minutes away (I know not the end of the world),…
Goodbye April, hello May
Well I survived the first full month of shelter in place, soft-lockdown. Survived may sound a bit dramatic. But these last few weeks I often had the feeling I wasn’t really living but merely surviving. While on social media everybody seemed to be into home workouts, healthy eating and home schooling their children. This last with varying degrees of success. However routines were clearly established and everybody was striving for a better live. In the meantime I was struggling with all this. So at the beginning of April the plan was to get myself together and also try to make the best of this period. The first weekend of April…